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Complete incompetech mp3 files - $38


Instruments: Drums, Bass, Synth

Feel: Bright, Bouncy, Grooving

Bit of swing in your rap? Sure! Why not! I like swing... but NOT TOO MUCH! Just here and there... you know, to alleviate the monotony. Sort of like that one teacher you had in Social Studies that unexpectedly did something cool - like play a game - but only twice a year... and they were both in the first month, so all you ended up with was 8 months of continual disappointment. Screw you, Mr. Meuller! I still don't care about checks and balances!

ISRC: USUAN1600026
Uploaded: 2016-05-14

80 bpm

Genre: Unclassifiable

Length: 3:45

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Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Vicious Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Download all of the music on this site at once!
Complete incompetech mp3 files - $38

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