Twitch and Livestreaming: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I credit you on a live stream?

Credits must be placed so that a person with reasonable effort can find out about the music. How this is done can vary quite a lot in different media.

Things that must be included:

Here are some examples of how to do this on Twitch or other live streaming services...

  1. On your profile page, add a "Music" section.
    [List of all the pieces of music on the playlist]
    by Kevin MacLeod (
    Licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0: By Attribution license.
    This will cover all the requirements!

  2. If you don't want to add all of this to your profile page, you can put up a link as an overlay on the screen which goes to a page where you have all the information above.
    You can also put the link on your profile page.

  3. If you don't want to make a web page for the credits, you can display all of the information as an overlay during the stream.

  4. If you don't want to create an overlay, you can just announce all of the information live on the stream.

Any of these options will satisfy the terms of the Creative Commons License.

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