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Apero Hour

"Apero Hour"

Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Drums, Organ

Feel: Bright, Grooving, Relaxed

Cool jazz. I'm going to warn you now, that organ line gets stuck in your head really easily... like an icepick in a Marxist revolutionary. Too soon?

ISRC: USUAN1700070
Uploaded: 2017-11-20

140 bpm

Genre: Jazz

Length: 4:43

Download "Apero Hour" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Apero Hour Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Bossa Antigua

"Bossa Antigua"

Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Drums

Feel: Bright, Grooving, Relaxed

Oh hello. I didn't see you there. Welcome to my pad. My favorite parts are the view of the beach, and this very groovy orange shag-carpeting on the walls. I still haven't been able to teach my Roombas to get up by the ceiling, though.

ISRC: USUAN1700069
Uploaded: 2017-11-17

Sheet Music: Available!

70 bpm

Genre: Jazz

Length: 4:43

Download "Bossa Antigua" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Bossa Antigua Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Backbay Lounge

"Backbay Lounge"

Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Drums, Bass

Feel: Bright, Grooving, Relaxed

This is cool. You can walk into a dinner party, grab a glass of prosecco, kiss the host, then casually defuse a large bomb one second before the timer runs out. That level of cool. Maybe you're not that cool, but if you adopt this as your personal theme tune, people will THINK you're that cool.

ISRC: USUAN1700068
Uploaded: 2017-11-13

Sheet Music: Available!

120 bpm

Genre: Jazz

Length: 4:27

Download "Backbay Lounge" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Backbay Lounge Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Jerry Five

"Jerry Five"

Instruments: Synths, Percussion

Feel: Driving, Grooving, Relaxed

Sort of a cooler, driving piece. Lots of space in this piece to make it your own. I don't mean "make it your own" in that sort of way you do where you mark all the pancakes on your plate with your signature so you can tell if someone switched out your pancakes while you weren't looking. Honestly that's pretty weird.Who could possibly want to switch out your pancakes? I mean - who thinks like that? Sure, everyone NOW wants to screw with your pancakes, but before you started all of this - it wouldn't have crossed one person's mind! NOT ONE!

ISRC: USUAN1700066
Uploaded: 2017-08-14

90 bpm

Genre: Electronica

Length: 2:40

Download "Jerry Five" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Jerry Five Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Industrious Ferret

"Industrious Ferret"

Instruments: Lute, English Horn, Cellos, Violas, Percussion

Feel: Bouncy, Grooving, Relaxed

How bustling do Gnomish villages get? I imagine not more bustling than this. If I were a gnome.... out there bustling my butt every day, this would be my soundtrack.

ISRC: USUAN1700067
Uploaded: 2017-08-14

95 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:37

Download "Industrious Ferret" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Industrious Ferret Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Sunday Dub

"Sunday Dub"

Instruments: Guitar, Drums, Bass, Organ

Feel: Grooving, Relaxed, Mysterious

This was written for a sneaky-yet-cool scene. The kind where our main character is trailing a subject to find out where they get the amazing cheese they serve at their restaurant. There's a bunch of bits where the paranoid restauranteur turns around unexpectedly and Private Detective Alice Winterbottom has to duck behind dumpsters, or spin around casually pretending to be on a phone call, or hide behind a watermelon at the fruit stand.

ISRC: USUAN1700031
Uploaded: 2017-03-15

102 bpm

Genre: Ska

Length: 3:29

Download "Sunday Dub" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Sunday Dub Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Bummin on Tremelo

"Bummin on Tremelo"

Instruments: Guitar, Organ, Bass, Drums, Singers

Feel: Grooving, Relaxed, Bright

Dick Clarks Swingin New Years Eve Bash: Bondi Beach Edition! Forget your parkas! Put on your swim trunks, grab a Fosters, and canoodle with your favorite girl down on the sand!

ISRC: USUAN1700032
Uploaded: 2017-03-15

120 bpm

Genre: Pop

Length: 3:12

Download "Bummin on Tremelo" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Bummin on Tremelo Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shaving Mirror

"Shaving Mirror"

Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Drums, Organ, Horns

Feel: Bouncy, Grooving, Relaxed

Hey, yo - welcome to the sic'est grammar podcast on the planet, where your future will have been perfectly continuous. I can't really think up much more in the realm of grammar jokes without going to the "dangling participle". And that's not happening.

ISRC: USUAN1700029
Uploaded: 2017-03-06

78 bpm

Genre: Funk

Length: 3:26

Download "Shaving Mirror" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Shaving Mirror Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Cold Sober

"Cold Sober"

Instruments: Bass, Drums, Guitar, Electric Piano, Uilleann Pipes

Feel: Bright, Grooving, Relaxed

You know what, I honestly don't know what I was thinking here. This is one of those "throw things at the wall and see if it works" kinds of pieces. It would have been completely uninteresting were it not for the Uilleann Pipes. Not a lot of music out there for bagpipes and electric piano. Consider the void filled!

ISRC: USUAN1700025
Uploaded: 2017-02-27

80 bpm

Genre: Unclassifiable

Length: 3:21

Download "Cold Sober" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Cold Sober Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Ave Marimba

"Ave Marimba"

Instruments: Marimba, Drums

Feel: Bright, Grooving, Relaxed

This music is sort of ethnic-nonethnic. It is the sort of thing you can use for your travel video to Cairo, but would also work for your travel video to Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio - Where blank canvasses become full lives! Visit Columbus on your next getaway! Coffee shops, restaurants, and many seasonal festivals provide a rich backdrop to help make your life seem slightly less desperate. Columbus, Ohio: We have a river!

ISRC: USUAN1700024
Uploaded: 2017-02-27

70 bpm

Genre: World

Length: 2:50

Download "Ave Marimba" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Ave Marimba Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Miami Viceroy

"Miami Viceroy"

Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Drums, Synths

Feel: Grooving, Relaxed

Musical wallpaper! You might think that's a bad thing, but it quite useful for playing under interviews, or during countdowns, or in really hip cafes where you can get an Americano (coffee) or an Americano (Campari+vermouth cocktail). Life Pro Tip: ALWAYS refrigerate your vermouth! It is a wine product and will go bad if open at room temperature. So, to all of you who "hate vermouth", no - you hate ruined vermouth. Just like anyone who has only had room temperature red wine that's been opened for 3 weeks would hate wine.

ISRC: USUAN1700019
Uploaded: 2017-02-13

124 bpm

Genre: Funk

Length: 4:28

Download "Miami Viceroy" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Miami Viceroy Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Download all of the music on this site at once!
Complete incompetech mp3 files - $38

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