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Wretched Destroyer

"Wretched Destroyer"

Instruments: Basses, CellosBassoons, English Horn, Percussion, Pipe Organ, Basses, Violins, Violas, Percussion

Feel: Eerie, Dark, Driving

Have you ever heard a 4 bassoon ensemble before? Not likely. While bassoonists may create temporary pair-bonds, they are never found in groups of 3 or more. Much digital trickery was involved in this piece to make them appear as though they were all in the same room at the same time. Tuba players, on the other hand exhibit extreme flocking behaviour, and have even been spotted in mass migrations.

ISRC: USUAN1700041
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:18

Download "Wretched Destroyer" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Wretched Destroyer Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



Instruments: Cellos, Basses, Organ, Violins, Violas, French Horns, Percussion

Feel: Action, Dark, Grooving

High-energy, fast-paced, and memorable, this is a great background to your 2D platformer. It was actually written for a 2D platformer, which is why it will loop back on itself so well. Like Ouroboros! If you're looking for a high school mascot, PLEASE consider Ouroboros. I'm not sure if it would make for great cheerleading routines, or if it would end up looking more like a human centipede.... But there is one way to fine out! Go! Fighting Ouroboroses!!

ISRC: USUAN1700042
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 2:29

Download "Obliteration" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Obliteration Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Grim Idol

"Grim Idol"

Instruments: Basses, Cellos, Violas, Violins, Flutes, Clarinets, Oboes, Organs, Percussion, Cimbasso, Trombones

Feel: Action, Dark, Grooving

This piece gets a lot of its crazy from the exposed dissonances. So, before you start going on and on about "wrong" notes; They are there for a reason! I'm almost sure of it. They really sound quite intentional. Why else would I write something like that? Totally done with forethought. Yup. 100% on purpose.

ISRC: USUAN1700043
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:45

Download "Grim Idol" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Grim Idol Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Graveyard Shift

"Graveyard Shift"

Instruments: Theramin, Choir, Organ, Percussion, Basses

Feel: Dark, Grooving, Humorous

SpoooooOOoooky! Nothing says comedically spooky quite like a theramin. I don't actually own a theramin, so I cheated. Like I do. This one was created with the ES2 synth, which everyone I know hates and/or fears. It really is just misunderstood, and is quite lovely at parties.

ISRC: USUAN1700044
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:17

Download "Graveyard Shift" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Graveyard Shift Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



Instruments: Percussion, Basses, Cellos, Violins, Flutes, Clarinets

Feel: Dark, Driving, Eerie

More action and more intensity! Remember "Legends of the Hidden Temple"? Seriously? It only lasted 3 seasons. It must have been more difficult than it looked. Okay, I wasn't on the show, but I think I could have assembled a silver monkey statue with only 3 pieces.

ISRC: USUAN1700045
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:43

Download "Malicious" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Malicious Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Return of the Mummy

"Return of the Mummy"

Instruments: Tar, Qanun, Choir, Percussion, Strings

Feel: Dark, Grooving, Mystical

Did you know that people in the 1800s used to make tea out of mummies they dug up in Egypt? Tea. Like the kind you drink. That is because people in the 1800s were dumb. They were so stupid, they thought seaweed was really quite interesting. Today, you would have to be a marine botanist to think seaweed is that exciting. I don't need to mention how "exciting" marine botanists are... Carl! Finding some Caulerpa 20 kilometers outside its published range is no reason to write a paper! And it is certainly no reason to be LATE for your OWN PARTY, CARL!!!

ISRC: USUAN1700046
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 2:50

Download "Return of the Mummy" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Return of the Mummy Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Nightmare Machine

"Nightmare Machine"

Instruments: Percussion, Organ, Basses

Feel: Action, Driving, Eerie

This piece shares a bassline with "Eternal Terminal" (found elsewhere on this site). It also has the same waterphone. You can use these 2 pieces together and make it seem like your project had a custom composer! How cool is that!?

ISRC: USUAN1700048
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:46

Download "Nightmare Machine" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Nightmare Machine Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Eternal Terminal

"Eternal Terminal"

Instruments: Percussion, Basses, Bass Clarinet, Tubas, Trombones, Clarinets, Flutes, Oboes, French Horns

Feel: Dark, Driving, Epic

I like the waterphone in this piece. It is a bunch of metal tubes welded together, and played with a bow. It is that creepy high-pitched thing you hear in horror movies all the time.

ISRC: USUAN1700047
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:18

Download "Eternal Terminal" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Eternal Terminal Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Death and Axes

"Death and Axes"

Instruments: Percussion, Trumpets, French Horns, Trombones, Tuba, Cimbasso, Clarinets, Flutes, Piccolo, Oboe, Violins, Violas, Cellos, Basses, Chimes

Feel: Action, Driving, Dark

Holy epic action. Just look at the instruments in this! The piece shall now speak for itself.

ISRC: USUAN1700049
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 2:48

Download "Death and Axes" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Death and Axes Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



Instruments: Percussion, Violins, Violas, Cellos, Basses, Flutes, Clarinets

Feel: Action, Driving, Dark

Pulsing Dooom! Recommended for use in all your various adventure-y side-scrollers with lots of shooting or stabbing, and the occasional jump-scare. Should loop really great!

ISRC: USUAN1700050
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

140 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 2:50

Download "Darkling" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Darkling Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



Instruments: Drums, Violins, Violas, Cellos, Basses, Tubas, Trombones, French Horns, Cimbasso, Trumpet, Xylophone.

Feel: Action, Driving, Dark

The whole Orchestral Speed Metal genre has been done to death. But you can't consider yourself a real composer if you haven't checked "Orchestral Speed Metal" off your list. Other essential genres include: Electro Emo-Pop, Motet, Disco Noise, Adult Contemporary, Tone Poem, Haircore, and Zydeco Revival.

ISRC: USUAN1700051
Uploaded: 2017-06-26

150 bpm

Genre: Soundtrack

Length: 3:59

Download "Aggressor" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Aggressor Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Download all of the music on this site at once!
Complete incompetech mp3 files - $38

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