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Complete incompetech mp3 files - $38
Golly Gee

"Golly Gee"

Instruments: Trumpet, Strings, Tymp, Glock

Feel: Bright, Bouncy, Humorous

1950's sit-com-like theme song.

ISRC: USUAN1100216
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

115 bpm

Genre: Unclassifiable

Length: 0:33

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Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Golly Gee Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Off to Osaka

"Off to Osaka"

Instruments: Kit, Bass, Piano, Trumpet, Tenor Sax, Vibe

Feel: Bright, Uplifting, Bouncy

Super bouncy be-bop jazz. Crazy vibe solo.

ISRC: USUAN1100128
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

239 bpm

Genre: Jazz

Length: 1:49

Download "Off to Osaka" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Off to Osaka Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Dance of Deception

"Dance of Deception"

Instruments: Organ

Feel: Dark, Bouncy, Eerie

Pipe organ piece. This is apparently a 'Czardas', a traditional Hungarian folk dance. I would like to thank Keith for the info.

ISRC: USUAN1100271
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

0 bpm

Genre: Horror

Length: 1:29

Download "Dance of Deception" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Dance of Deception Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Kit

Feel: Driving, Bouncy

Good drums, bass, and very good guitar technique.

ISRC: USUAN1100315
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

123 bpm

Genre: Reggae

Length: 0:59

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Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

B-Roll Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Mister Exposition

"Mister Exposition"

Instruments: Piano, Tuba

Feel: Bouncy, Bright, Humorous

bubbly ragtime piano with an occasional tuba.

ISRC: USUAN1100156
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

85 bpm

Genre: Silent Film Score

Length: 2:20

Download "Mister Exposition" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Mister Exposition Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Dvorak Polka

"Dvorak Polka"

Instruments: Kit, Tuba, Accordion

Feel: Bouncy, Dark, Humorous

Actual instruments - not the normal electronic ones.

ISRC: USUAN1100249
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

115 bpm

Genre: Polka

Length: 1:45

Download "Dvorak Polka" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Dvorak Polka Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Super Circus

"Super Circus"

Instruments: Percussion, Trombone, Tuba, Trumpet

Feel: Bright, Bouncy, Humorous

Circus-type march.

ISRC: USUAN1100057
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

126 bpm

Genre: Silent Film Score

Length: 0:38

Download "Super Circus" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Super Circus Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The Chase

"The Chase"

Instruments: Piano

Feel: Bright, Bouncy, Humorous

Light and fast. For... well - chase sequences.

ISRC: USUAN1100049
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

148 bpm

Genre: Silent Film Score

Length: 0:36

Download "The Chase" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

The Chase Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Shades of Spring

"Shades of Spring"

Instruments: Kit, Bass, Piano

Feel: Dark, Bouncy

Sort of a minor mid-tempo jazz combo with 2 pianos. Melody is doubled in octaves. Soloist goes outside more than the guy comping... but hey - what are soloists for?

ISRC: USUAN1100080
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

131 bpm

Genre: Jazz

Length: 3:07

Download "Shades of Spring" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Shades of Spring Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Sing Along with Jim

"Sing Along with Jim"

Instruments: Trumpet, Glock, Marimba, Kit, Tenor Sax

Feel: Bright, Bouncy, Humorous

Peppy yet easy children's music designed to be easy to make up a song to.

ISRC: USUAN1100071
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

75 bpm

Genre: Unclassifiable

Length: 0:58

Download "Sing Along with Jim" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Sing Along with Jim Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Awesome Call

"Awesome Call"

Instruments: Kit, Bass, Piano, EP

Feel: Bright, Bouncy

Light and bouncy.

ISRC: USUAN1100317
Uploaded: 2006-01-01

154 bpm

Genre: Jazz

Length: 2:31

Download "Awesome Call" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now!

Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Awesome Call Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Download all of the music on this site at once!
Complete incompetech mp3 files - $38

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