Pookatori and Friends "Pookatori and Friends" Instruments: Synths, Drums Feel: Bright, Bouncy, Grooving Are your eyeballs soft? Let's be delightful with Pookatori! It is extremely happy to drink when you are thirsty. Pookatori will help! Pookatori always helps! Are you aware of your own defect? Pookatori will smile to your grandmother every day! Would you like a beautiful pie? Pookatori has many friends made from a magic and people balls. Let's have fun with Pookatori's friends! Do you like to absorbing? Functional!! ISRC: USUAN1700002 124 bpm Genre: Electronica Length: 4:08 Download "Pookatori and Friends" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Pookatori and Friends Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Special Spotlight "Special Spotlight" Instruments: Synths, Percussion Feel: Bouncy, Driving, Grooving So you're producing an interview segment! Problem is most people suck at being interviewed. Like... almost everyone. What do you do? You could send the non-media professional to an improv class, you could do 5 pre-interview coachings, or you could schedule a 3-day "pre-interview" at an all-inclusive beach resort in hopes that you will "share a moment" and uncover some goddamn humanity in your interview subject. Or. You could just put some interesting music behind the segment. If your crap interview is longer than this piece Do NOT loop this music - fire your editor. ISRC: USUAN1600067 126 bpm Genre: Electronica Length: 3:12 Download "Special Spotlight" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Special Spotlight Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
DarxieLand "DarxieLand" Instruments: Banjo, Trumpet, Tuba, Drums, Piano Feel: Bouncy, Humorous, Bright A rousingly comedic romp on the dark side of Dixieland music, featuring a wonderfully questionable trumpet player! ISRC: USUAN1600059 165 bpm Genre: Soundtrack Length: 2:26 Download "DarxieLand" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
DarxieLand Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Salty Ditty "Salty Ditty" Instruments: Synth, Percussion Feel: Bouncy, Humorous, Uplifting Avast ye maties! All your boat are belong to us! Super chipper piratey-like 8bit tune. I mean, it could be used for non-nautical things, but the audience will probably be all like "Hey! Why is there an 8-bit pirate shanty going on here!?" Perfectly loopable for all your casual seafaring games. Or game reviews. Or actual voyages. Or voyage reviews. ISRC: USUAN1600053 90 bpm Genre: Electronica Length: 2:08 Download "Salty Ditty" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Salty Ditty Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Bit Shift "Bit Shift" Instruments: Synths Feel: Bouncy, Bright, Grooving This is about as exciting/happy as simple 8-bit exciting/happy music gets. It's Swingin'! It's Singin'! It's using a whole lotta apostrophes! Sometime's incorrectly! Anyhoo, take a listen to this one. Ye shan't be dis'appointed! Bleep, bloop... bloop, bleep. ISRC: USUAN1600045 130 bpm Genre: Electronica Length: 3:12 Download "Bit Shift" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Bit Shift Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
District Four "District Four" Instruments: Bass, Guitar, Organ, Percussion Feel: Aggressive, Bouncy, Grooving Deep grooving crazy big percussion. Super danceable! High energy, without every getting the way. Useful for tech videos, badass characters, or general listenings! The download comes with all the parts separated out as well as a bonus track at 165 beats per minute (slightly slower and even deeper grooving!). ISRC: USUAN1600039 176 bpm Genre: Funk Length: 4:08 Download "District Four" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
District Four Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Rocket Power "Rocket Power" Instruments: Bass, Organ, Guitar, Percussion Feel: Aggressive, Bouncy, Grooving Funky drum machines? Yes, please! Also a killer bass line. This is both big and fun... kind of like the Paul Bunyan Experience... if Paul Bunyan were hip. Unlike most of my tunes, this one has an actual ending! Uncompressed download comes with all the parts to make your own mixes - should this one be insufficient. ISRC: USUAN1600038 120 bpm Genre: Jazz Length: 3:16 Download "Rocket Power" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Rocket Power Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Vicious "Vicious" Instruments: Drums, Bass, Synth Feel: Bright, Bouncy, Grooving Bit of swing in your rap? Sure! Why not! I like swing... but NOT TOO MUCH! Just here and there... you know, to alleviate the monotony. Sort of like that one teacher you had in Social Studies that unexpectedly did something cool - like play a game - but only twice a year... and they were both in the first month, so all you ended up with was 8 months of continual disappointment. Screw you, Mr. Meuller! I still don't care about checks and balances! ISRC: USUAN1600026 80 bpm Genre: Unclassifiable Length: 3:45 Download "Vicious" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Vicious Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Carpe Diem "Carpe Diem" Instruments: Clarinet, Ukulele, Flute, Guitar, Xylophone, Percussion, Bass Feel: Bouncy, Bright, Uplifting Yeah Boyzzz! BGM Music in the HOUSE!!!! In this case, "BGM Music" means "Background Music... Music". You want royalty-free!? You got it! You want ukulele mastery!? You got that, too! You want a piece that's a GNDN piece!? DONE! It's like a whole new genre of undistinguished music! It is sort of bouncy, and cheery. So... somewhat distinguished. It is really hard to hype this piece, but it is wicked-useful! ISRC: USUAN1600023 96 bpm Genre: Contemporary Length: 4:55 Download "Carpe Diem" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Carpe Diem Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Blue Ska "Blue Ska" Instruments: Drums, Bass, Guitar, Organ, Trumpet, Trombone, Tenor Sax Feel: Bouncy, Bright, Grooving Run of the mill ska!? No such thing! Well, this is as close to that reality as you can get. It is high energy, dance-inducing, happy fun times for everyone who was born after... like... the Industrial Revolution... So, there may be some trees and fungi that don't find this fun; but, I can't really care about their concepts of fun too much. I assume they don't like winters, but they just all sort of stand around all the time. ISRC: USUAN1600011 110 bpm Genre: Ska Length: 2:26 Download "Blue Ska" as mp3 Get it from iTunes! Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Blue Ska Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) | |||
Cyborg Ninja "Cyborg Ninja" Instruments: Synths Feel: Action, Bouncy, Driving Your girlfriend has be kidnapped by ninja! Stage 1: Desert. Avoid the flaming balls and shoot cyborg ninja in the eye to win round. Retro-gaming circa 1988. I was seriously considering naming this piece "Flaming Balls" as that would also have been appropriate. Cyborg ninjas are just a little more '1988' to me. Need 10 hours of this? Loop it! ISRC: USUAN1600008 Sheet Music: Available! 160 bpm Genre: Electronica Length: 3:00 Download "Cyborg Ninja" as mp3 Listen Now! Watch the Video on YouTube
Cyborg Ninja Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) |
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