Category: Music

Alice in Wonderland

As soon as the movie starts, you know you’re watching the work of Tim Burton and listening to the work of Danny Elfman. It almost looks ordinary to start with — it’s a proper Victorian setting, with only a little

Yo, Heave Ho.

I whipped up the “Song of the Volga Boatmen” this morning. (Эй, ухнем!) Download here.

Bach BWV 846

Prelude in C – Recorded on piano. I have just gotten my new monitors (the Mackie HR 824s), and man – they are unforgiving in hearing every little tinge and issue with the recordings. Given that, this is probably the

Video Game Developers!

I just did a series of 4 pieces. You can get them here. Chee Zee Beach Chee Zee Jungle Chee Zee Lab Chee Zee Cave These are all designed for background music for video games, but they can be used

Shutter Island

Personally, I still find Leonardo diCaprio to be kind of an iffy actor. He’s improved an awful lot since he first made me wince in the movie about the really big ship (he did fine in Blood Diamond, for instance),

The Wolfman

Face it. Victorian England is perfect as the setting for a monster movie — any monster movie. It’s lit at night only by candles and lanterns, it’s often foggy, the sun doesn’t show up for days at a time, and