Category: Music

New Piece for guitars

Clear Air. Wide variety of applications. Try it. Is nice. :-) And as a public service, I’d like to highlight some very odd piano pieces that have been up for a while, but will be useful in the ever-popular Silent

The Box

Once upon a time, a man named Richard Matheson wrote a short story called “Button, Button,” and it was good. Sixteen years later, that story was rewritten for the small screen as an episode of the Twilight Zone, and it

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Someone (I can’t find who) requested a dark version of “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”. I couldn’t find the originals, but I did redo it this week, and made 3 versions. There is still the version I did in

The MCND has not disappeared!

I’m trying to figure out this Twitter thing everyone keeps tweeting on. And yes, me trying to complete a thought in a mere 140 characters is difficult. Just those first two sentences would put me over by twelve letters. But!


This is a new style of working for me. It is almost a “mini-album”. This comes in at about 15 minutes total for 6 pieces. If you are putting together a short film and use one of these, it is

Nice Exchange 2009, Volume Two!

The first offer is over and done, but a new one is just begun, and chances are, you’re already registered! This one works like the last one… but easier. Go to Rhe’s Mad Men entry here Register for the site,