Category: Music

The Mist

More properly Stephen King’s The Mist, of course, but I’m in denial about having seen yet another horror flick. I don’t know where I find the courage. But I survived this one a lot better than The Others, at least.

Redoing Other People’s Music

Last night, I went to see Saltimbanco from Cirque du Soleil. While the acts were fine, the music was very dated, and often not appropriate to the performances. For me – it detracted from the show quite a bit (though

Someone need to sing-along?

I’m just finishing up a pile of sing-along Christmas pieces for a stage production. Being seasonal, I decided to get them out as soon as possible. Super-peppy sing-alongs! Right now, they are the first four pieces on this page. “Up

American Gangster

Denzel does it again. Seriously. I wasn’t sure I was going to like this one — I’m not really a Russell Crowe fan, for one thing, gangster movies aren’t really all that interesting to me in general, and it’s two

Short Update

I’ve been doing lots these last couple weeks. But not much made it up here… including 2 musicals. But here’s a small pile of things… NewsSting – a simple news-y intro Eyes Gone Wrong – an intense but reserved transition

Gone Baby Gone

I already knew Ben Affleck couldn’t act. I’m still trying to decide if he can direct. He did manage to write a pretty good screenplay — some of the dialogue was a little awkward in places, but otherwise he did