Category: Music

All over the board

Craig and Tony came over the other day, and I showed them what I was working on for Westerns. They said it sucked, and gave me some actual Westerns to look at. So I did. And my music was hideously

The Brave One

Now I’m wondering if they rushed out Death Sentence so they could get it released before this movie. Because this film is like Death Sentence, but better. Much better. Jodie Foster is a better actor then Kevin Bacon, in my


Sandy had an idea… “I need something Celtic, but nothing really upbeat.” Ok, this one clocks in at 90 beats per minute, which isn’t really upbeat – but it isn’t slow either. I probably won’t be doing this kind of

Logic Studio

Well, I didn’t get as much work done today as I had hoped. My brand new copy of Logic Studio showed up today… and it took about 4 hours to install the thing… and another 8 hours to play with

More Requests

Keep them coming, folks! Forrest had an idea… “More Kevin Organ!” Okey Dokey. Here’s some crazy funky musics with a B3 monster organ in it. Fork and Spoon Chris had an idea… “Wandering through the land of the dead.” I’m

Shoot ‘Em Up

That’s right, there’s no “Th”. It’s a silly title, more suited to a first-person shooter video game, but that’s good, because it’s also your first warning to suspend every last shred of disbelief. Pretend it’s an animated movie, maybe some