Category: Music

Nano Hoedown

When circuits throw a party, I imagine it sounds something like this. They can be a bit hyperactive at times. The super download comes with a more calm version at 120 beats per minute, and a crazy fast version at


Big broad sound certain to give a sense of rockin’ wonder! It switches back and forth between faster guitar-driven sections and majestic horn sections. I know – it sounds like it won’t work, but it totally DOES work. Just imagine

Bumba Crossing

Sparse and beautiful, this piece has a major change in tone at 2:27, moving to a more energetic feel without destroying what came before. Voluminous choirs support the piece at various moments. They also let the drums stand on their

Jellyfish in Space

This is somewhat relaxing, while still having some forward momentum. Kind of like sleeping on a train… or taking MBA classes. I like the spinney-sounding synths. The chorus effects give this piece a watery feel. Kind of like a shimmering

Exit the Premises

Big drums start with piece to reveal that they were not establishing the downbeat. Tight synth percussion and 8-bit inspired synths make this piece downright danceable! And who doesn’t like a giant 80s synth? Or a 90s chip tunes synth?

Carnival Intrigue

Is it a samba? Probably. It also depends on how broadly you define a samba. Percussion comes in heavy later in the piece with a pile of street drummers for a thicker feel. I’m having a hard time describing the