Category: Music


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Ghost Hunter™

Here is another piece of music that won’t make it into the main catalog. It is published under the Creative Commons: By Attribution license, just like everything else, so feel free to download it from Soundcloud and use however you

Incoming Text Sound

Someone is texting you – why not be amused at the same time! :-) This is a snipped from an episode of “The Crack” from Element Animation, and it works really well as a notification sound for your phone. Try

Kerbal Space Program

If you’re a space flight simulation kind of person AND an incompetech reader, you may have noticed the soundtrack from Kerbal Space Program uses music from here! I collected it all in one zip file for those who want the

The Hit List

Saw the prototype of a new game show called “The Hit List” today from the great Tom Scott. I know, it is a new thing and they have enough to deal with… but I wrote some question music so that

Mary Celeste

Dark and broody, this one starts thin, gets really muddy, and then releases to a faster clearer section. Where would I use this? No idea. I’m sure you’ll think of something, though! You can download the full uncompressed version of