Category: Music

Urban Gauntlet

Action-y intense like percussion based piece. Need to defuse a bomb while riding in a pedi-cab? This should work well for that. Or anything where tension needs to be maintained.

Music Survey!

Survey results are in, and here’s what it looks like! The Blue lines are what people found most useful… The Green Lines are what people thought other people will like more! Apart from the things you can see in the

Destiny Day!

The The Contemporary Classical Composer’s Bullshit Generator gave me the following paragraph. I wrote a piece for it… Enjoy! My work has been seminal in the development of ‘structuredly-non-linear symmetrical-music’, a highly intellectual, and rather repetitive genre. My newest piece


Is it a Western? Certainly has a dusty feel to it. Super laid-back piece with a crazy subtle modulation at 1:06. Yeah. That happened. Slow, beautiful. The download comes with a slightly faster bonus version.


Energetic without being aggressive. This one has a nice flow and interesting changes. You can download the full uncompressed version of this piece here.


Need to suck someone in? This piece never quite gives what you want…. so you just get sucked in. Perfect for videos like: Disassembling a watch, Removing a giant zit, Drilling a hole in a glacier, or anything that takes