Category: Music

Big Announcement – Sort of.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Yesterday, I made a bunch of new music in the style of late 70s / early 80s bad sci-fi. Rather than posting it all here, I decided to release that music into the Public Domain. Exciting, huh?

The Cannery

Aggressive, humorous, bright, and intense. Yeah, there is only one piece of music like this on my site… I’m pretty sure. The Cannery

Not sure what these are

These are both synth-heavy pieces… Wallpaper is round and bouncy. Cipher is lush and catchy. The mix has some headroom in it – I recommend you turn it up to get hit in the chest with the kick drum. I

Other Music!

Yeah, I can’t do everything. I do have a new sponsor who does quite a bit more. Bonus points for human readable licenses. If you’ve looked at sites that advertise “300,000 Tracks!” or whatnot, you’re probably aware – that’s not


Presenterator – New music for powerpoint presentation.

Fiverr Experiment is an interesting site. There are a bunch of things you can get for $5. What did I get? This: I will record an excellent guitar solo for your music within 24 hours for $5 The result is the