Category: Sightings

Giant Freaking Kaleidoscope

So… what happens if you make a kaleidoscope with three foot wheels and giant mirrors? You film the thing for an hour and sell it on Etsy! Have you seen high quality kaleidoscope footage before? Not synthesized filtered electronic things


There have been quite a few iPhone apps that are using my music. What makes this game special? Well, the game developer gave me 5 promo codes so you can play too! Update: All the promo codes are gone. Offer

What, me Twitter?

Yes, your Movie Critic Next Door has given in to a trend. I’m now on Twitter, as MovieCriticND. So head on over and watch me struggle to keep myself within 140 characters. It’s amusing.

Fast Film

Here’s a great little 72 hour film made by a team from Curtin University in Perth Australia last week.

Small Worlds

Experience the wonder of discovery with the great little game “Small Worlds” by David Shute. The soundtrack used in the game is (of course) available here! Aftermath Serene Frost Waltz To the Ends Sad Trio

Tom’s Shoes

This is a brilliantly edited piece for Tom’s Shoes. I have included the original video that made the piece of music below. The music piece itself, “Melodica Demo” is available for download at