Website: New stuff to Sweden!
Mark Earthy commissioned some new piano stuff. I’m not done with all the pieces… but they are already cropping up on the site. Good stuff!
Short Film: “The Frequency of Damnation”
Shot in a day, edited in a day. This is a… I’m not certain the genre – but I’ll say death is involved. I didn’t do all the soundtrack, but bits and pieces of my stuff is in it. The end result is here:
Shorts: The One Minute Show
These are awesome. That is all I will say.
Charles Bronson Home Protection System
The Other White Meat
Online Slideshows: (click on the ironman slideshow)
Weddings; Damnation; Charles Bronson; Arizona
I’d love to see some of those “One Minute Show” pieces play at the Late-Nite Movie Show.