Keep them coming, folks!
Forrest had an idea… “More Kevin Organ!”
Okey Dokey. Here’s some crazy funky musics with a B3 monster organ in it.
Fork and Spoon
Chris had an idea… “Wandering through the land of the dead.”
I’m not sure about you – but here’s what that sounds like to me…
Land of the Dead
John had an idea… “[I’d like something] about 4-5 minutes long, start off with a theme that builds towards the end, with a feeling of hope and potential. Something piano based, with perhaps more instruments towards the end.”
This one took longer to get than I thought…
Eternal Hope
And I actually had an idea. I’ve been seeing the “Deliberate Thought” piece show up in quite a few places, so I made a sequel by taking out all the things people like, and amping up that parts that people don’t care for. While I do understand this is possibly the worst way to make a sequel, it certainly was fun.
How it Begins
Also, for Chicagoland peeps: Get Downsized, a play I did the score for is playing for the next couple of weeks. Go see it.