3 is good! 6 is better!

Eternal Terminal

I like the waterphone in this piece. It is a bunch of metal tubes welded together, and played with a bow. It is that creepy high-pitched thing you hear in horror movies all the time.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Nightmare Machine

This piece shares a bassline with “Eternal Terminal” (found elsewhere on this site). It also has the same waterphone. You can use these 2 pieces together and make it seem like your project had a custom composer! How cool is that!?
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Death and Axes

Holy epic action. Just look at the instruments in this! The piece shall now speak for itself.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!


Pulsing Dooom! Recommended for use in all your various adventure-y side-scrollers with lots of shooting or stabbing, and the occasional jump-scare. Should loop really great!
You can download the full uncompressed files here!


The whole Orchestral Speed Metal genre has been done to death. But you can’t consider yourself a real composer if you haven’t checked “Orchestral Speed Metal” off your list.
Other essential genres include: Electro Emo-Pop, Motet, Disco Noise, Adult Contemporary, Tone Poem, Haircore, and Zydeco Revival.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Unholy Knight

Oh geez, there’s lots of notes in this one. The end of this piece is just woodwinds by themselves, and they are super cool. So often the percussion just takes over these pieces, even though there are some beautiful parts that get attention directed away from them.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!