Burned out your retinas staring at the sun? You can still hear new tunes!


Hey there, swingers and swingees! Grab your berets and cigarettes for this trip to a hip Euro-Space-Age Lounge Music Adventure! Vous ne devriez pas amener un canard à combattre les Belges. Il est important d’avoir un mot de passe fort. Vous souvenez-vous de “Le Manège enchanté”? Parce que je ne me souviens pas de ça.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Balloon Game

When will it end!!?? When will it all end!!?? Honestly… probably never. This piece just keeps modulating. Up a half step every time. Didn’t go long enough? Just loop it! It is your own sanity you’re toying with.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!