Category: Music

Recent Projects

Alchemist’s Tower – Orchestral theme for something both dark and fun. MTA – A rare aggressive mix from me. The search engine for keywords is still a little wonky… be working on fixing that soon!


It’s the newest trend, and you’re reading about it here first! Or maybe second, or twelfth. Or maybe my guess is completely wrong. But the simple fact is, somewhere, right now, someone is editing out the three swear words from

Ambient to Rock

Starting some computer cleanup, and posting what I find starting with… Ambiment – a 23ish minute long ambient sort of piece of music. And my music search engine is on the fritz… so, just look an the top of the


Have you ever wondered how movie trailers are made? I have. Mostly, though, I wonder why it is that so often, absolutely all the good stuff is in the trailer and if you then watch the movie expecting more good

Planet 51

Yes, I was the only grownup in the theatre without a kid in tow. This is my first time reviewing a movie aimed at the younger set, so it was kind of an experience. And I wasn’t really sure what


Apparently, someone that worked on this film is from Wisconsin. Or maybe it’s some kind of in-joke. But the fact is, they mention Wisconsin three times in this flick, and the (Wisconsin) audience loved it. As for the rest of