Category: Music

Dream Composing

I usually have a soundtrack when I dream. This time, I was able to get it recorded before it flew off into the ether. It is a simple piece with an odd feel… in that it is mostly a 3/3/2/3/3

Epic Sounds

Truth of the Legend – one of my favorite new pieces. Rising Game Living Voyage – Eastern fusion Willow and the Light

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3

A Movie Critic Next Door first: I get to review the same movie twice! Okay, so it isn’t really that thrilling, but I take my excitement where I can get it. Instead of Walter Matthau, we have Denzel Washington as

New Friendly and more…

Here’s a new featured piece: New Friendly It is similar to the smash hit “deliberate thought”, but with a lot more harmonic motion. Also new, 2 pieces with solo voice… Long Road Ahead in 2 versions. Private Reflection And… Fast

Terminator: Salvation

For some reason, when the sequels hit four, they tend not to put the number in the title anymore — probably a way to try to avoid the usual view of sequels as getting worse and worse. But the Terminator

Melodica Demo

From the blurry nether regions of YouTube, comes an awesome little iPhone app called “Melodica”. It is $0.99. Seriously people. I don’t care how musical you are or are not – this app is a blast. Go get it! You