Category: Music

Turbo Meditation!

Don’t have time to meditate in the slow lane? This is ALL SIX of my recently released tacks played at the same time. You can get AN HOUR of relaxation in just TEN MINUTES! You can buy the album on

‘Tis a gift to be simple.

Silver Flame Life is the source of mystical potential. Or it isn’t. One of the two. If I had to bet… I would probably ask what those words mean. Even ‘life’ isn’t simple. I don’t think I could recognize what

Bells and whistles!

Sky of our Ancestors We reflect, we dream, we are born. We gather together, we smile, we eat potato salads. We remember, we invent, muddle mint for our mojitos. We greet, we listen, we appreciate NetFlix. We collect coins and

Forget about 42! Now there’s 54!!

Nightdreams Are you still spending all of your money on shakra therapies that don’t seem to work? Look no further – Nightdreams will do everything those therapies do and at a much lower cost! Presence is the truth of well-being.

There’s always a straggler…

Burnt Spirit I lost a couple of the synths I used to create this piece between when I wrote it and when I’m releasing it. So, no – I can not do a remix of this piece. If you need

3 is good! 6 is better!

Eternal Terminal I like the waterphone in this piece. It is a bunch of metal tubes welded together, and played with a bow. It is that creepy high-pitched thing you hear in horror movies all the time. You can download