Category: Music

Chillin Hard

Cross Hip-hop with Shoegaze and what do you get? That was not a joke. That was the description of this piece. If you have a show that opens with a shoegaze band, and then headlines a hip-hop group you could


This is like… the ultimate in high-class non-offensive music. You can have this going at the hippest highest-class hotel in the world, and it’ll feel at home. You can also put in less-classy places to make them feel classier! Like

Hidden Past

Pipes, pipes, and more pipes! Irish? Scottish? Celtic? I have no idea. But sure – could be any of those. Let’s call it “Ancient British Isles”. You can download the full uncompressed version of this piece here.

Wedding Etude #1 by Brett VanDonsel

It’s wedding season! You’ll probably need some music for your photo slideshows. Here’s a nice piece by Brett VanDonsel. Also on Soundcloud and Payhip.

Lewis and Dekalb

Southern trap influenced rap pile of musical forklift platypus… okay, i don’t know what these words mean. But if you understood them – we’re all good. You know what you’re getting, and… that’s all I can hope for really. Truth


Bit of swing in your rap? Sure! Why not! I like swing… but NOT TOO MUCH! Just here and there… you know, to alleviate the monotony. Sort of like that one teacher you had in Social Studies that unexpectedly did