Category: Music

Professor Umlaut

This piece started its life as a random challenge on a show I do on called “The Wheels of Doom!”. The 4 randomized elements that came together here were: Drum Machine, Strings, Xylophone, and Comedic. I think it worked

Thief in the Night

Laid-back, grooving, and cool. Did I mention cool? You need a cool piece. That is a statement you NEED a cool piece. Lucky for you, this IS a cool piece. Super clean production will allow this piece to fit into

Floating Cities

It is the future? It certainly sounds like it… What would I use this for? Probably a video game with non-action gameplay. Certainly a montage of some futuristic film… or maybe one of those sandwiched scenes where a person is

Morning Mist

SUPER nice acoustic guitar music available from Brett! Creative Commons download available from SoundCloud. High quality download.


Wikipedia describes the Thunderbird as “a supernatural bird of power and strength”. It will also ask you to disambiguate it from the automobile made by Ford from 1955 to 2005. I’m sure it was a nice car. I’ve never owned

Ryno’s Theme

Starts small, gets big… then smaller, then REALLY big… then small again. Kind of like a turtle. Actually, it is entirely possible that I just kept seeing different turtles. I mean, they all sort of look like turtles; I wasn’t