Category: Music

Two Finger Johnny

Remember the old Casio and Yamaha “auto accompaniment” keyboards? This is a super-simple and freakishly-delightful terrible piece of music. The download comes with a faster version, AND a slower version which is delightfully logy!

Sunflower Dance Party

As much fun as you can have with a cowbell! Lots and lots of cowbell. I wrote this one when I was particularly depressed, and it fixed it. I didn’t want it to end, so I kept modulating it; that’s

Ready Aim Fire

I know, I know… there is an organ in the hard rock piece. I like to imagine that the organ is ON FIRE!!!!!! An amped up secret agent or pro wrestler theme with a thick wall of sound and a


I’ve neglected quite a few genres on my site for quite a while, so I decided to come back to them… alphabetically… at least for the first release of the year. Loose feeling West African rhythm with continuously phasing marimbas,

Happy New Year!

Starting this Sunday I’ll be posting more musics here. Thanks to Vlogbrothers for their sponsorship of this project! DFTBA. —- For now, here’s a Public Domain piece I wrote yesterday. It is available for download at and at SoundCloud.

Adventure Meme

You want adventure? You got adventure in all its 4-shades of grey pixel-y glory! I kept with a limited number of oscillators, but added more post production than was available on those cartridge games of yesteryear. Uncompressed version in 2