Category: Music

The Harry Fox Agency and the Public Domain

Okay, everyone – check your videos! I just got off the phone with the Harry Fox Agency. We have a working plan to get things straight for the future! If you have had a claim against your YouTube videos from

The Joys of Free Music

One might think is is simple to record music and distribute it for free online, but there are companies that work against people who do this. Recently, I was sent a round-up of a very nicely organized pile of issues.

Back in NYC

Just got back to NYC, and I’ve got a LOT of work to catch up on. So far, I finished off publishing the rough Score to “Cipher”, updated a bunch of software, and am installing some new bits. [activate on-hold

YouTube Policy Change

Read the post on the YouTube blog. I’m not sure what specific changes this will entail, but it sounds like a whole lot of good news for people who are playing by the rules, and have been getting frustrated at


This one gets really cool about 3 minutes in. Inexorable

Scott Joplin Strikes Back

Fig Leaf Times Two Remember the days when people would detune their piano to get that big sound that would fill an old west tavern? Probably not. But you can relive those days with a really old-sounding piano playing the