Just a correction to the narration, I don’t do Public Domain music on incompetech.com… that’s over on freepd.com. The other bits about me not existing are pretty dead-on.
Just a correction to the narration, I don’t do Public Domain music on incompetech.com… that’s over on freepd.com. The other bits about me not existing are pretty dead-on.
There is about a day left on the pay-what-you-want music bundle! You can get it here! Looks like some cool stuff in there… all for about $4!
You want spys to quit their job? Take out billboards… and do this! Drop leaflets over their facility with a drone. I hope this works. I really, really do! Soundtrack is “Take a Chance” from 2013.
Here is a great little piece with good energy from Brett VanDonsel for use as source music in your next productions! (you can actually use it for anything you want.) Serious lo-fi aesthetic. Enjoy! Creative Commons (Attribution 4.0 International (CC…