Category: Sightings

Royalty-Free Music Bundle!

There is about a day left on the pay-what-you-want music bundle! You can get it here! Looks like some cool stuff in there… all for about $4!

Rocket Landings!

A most excellent use of “The Show Must be Go“! Always delightful, Mr. Manley!

Drone drops leaflets over NSA facility in Germany

You want spys to quit their job? Take out billboards… and do this! Drop leaflets over their facility with a drone. I hope this works. I really, really do! Soundtrack is “Take a Chance” from 2013.

Source Music!

Here is a great little piece with good energy from Brett VanDonsel for use as source music in your next productions! (you can actually use it for anything you want.) Serious lo-fi aesthetic. Enjoy! Creative Commons (Attribution 4.0 International (CC

Manchester Mystery

Here’s a nifty new piece from Brett VanDonsel!

Star Warper

So, this the remix of a song about video games used IN a video game. Also, the game rocks! You get to phase out and phase back in to avoid things (and there are a LOT of bad things). Excellent