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Get Started with Music

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Early Music

Rites – church-type chants
Thatched Villagers – happy loop
Old Road – early duet
Yeah, I’ve been playing “We Rule”… needed some different background music.

Waltzes, Etc.

Rains Will Fall – a waltz
Court of the Queen – another waltz
Failing Defense – not at all a waltz

Mr. Jon Roberts


On Holiday

Well, I hoped to get all of my new music posted – but sadly, I didn’t get to everything. I’ll be off the net until about Wednesday – hopefully, I’ll get some new things posted then. I did did 19 new pieces up this week – so, I don’t feel too bad.
More to come! I’ve got some 8-bit, some waltzes, some medieval, more film music… and that isn’t counting anything that I do over the weekend. Cheers, all!

New Age Saturday!

When The Wind Blows – Several wind instruments play lilting melodies that are slow and meander through the piece, sometimes bordering on being slightly out of tune. The calm music has an edge of solemnity about it. The ever-present acoustic guitar is methodical and resembles a pulse – it exists but is forgotten, except when the guitar draws out the length of a note.
Eastminster – The constant reverberating sound of rain and the perfect-fifth drone of the strings are calming, but have an air of suspense and tension about them, as if a drama is about to unfold. The koto plays a near continuous refrain, at times forcefully. Evoking pre-colonialist East Asia, the piece is beautiful and stoic in tone, especially as the koto asserts its dominance in the sixth minute and at the end.
Silver Blue Light – Sparse in it’s instrumentation, Silver Blue Light is quiet and pensive with atmospheric synthesized chords and guitar.. There isn’t much of a melodic line to this piece until well into the fifth minute. In the third minute the guitar plays a few high notes, and the key changes briefly, which occurs again in the final twenty seconds as well.

Horrific Friday!

The Hive – Cymbals and synthesizers evoke swarming insects, as whirring and clicking noises abound with heavy reverb
Redletter – High-pitched strings play above a low drone, while fuzzy noises and cymbal rolls flow throughout. The high strings crescendo and quickly cut out as if a knife sliced their throats. A somber melody plays in the final minute, and the noises crescendo and come at you from every angle, symbolic of an attack and a gruesome finale.
The House of Leaves – A simple harp refrain plays a child’s melody, but is torn apart by discordant screeching noises, thumps, growls, and mechanical noises.
Right Behind You – Breathy noises make the hairs on the back of your neck stand, while screeching strings and high-pitched noises are distracting and spine-tingling.