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Get Started with Music

If you need free music for your YouTube videos where you get to keep the ad revenue...

If you need music for your film or video game...

If you need music for your presentation or commercial...

Monster Epicness from Brett

New Royalty free giant piece is now available!

I know you guys like the epics… so here you go!

New year, new music!

Dewdrop Fantasy

The smell of a garden hose, that muted crack when you start up a glowstick, watching the sunrise with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice… all so calming… This piece of music is like that. Simple, bleeping, and slowly changing. Can you think of something else that is simple, bleeping, and changing? “an old PC speaker?” well, that’s simple and bleeping. “EDM?” that’s… bleeping and changing. “Hippie fashion?” that’s… Hippie fashion? I don’t know what that is. Well, it is long hair and paisley bell-bottoms and far too many beads… You just found the outside of the Venn Diagram.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Pookatori and Friends

Are your eyeballs soft? Let’s be delightful with Pookatori! It is extremely happy to
drink when you are thirsty. Pookatori will help! Pookatori always helps! Are you aware of your own defect? Pookatori will smile to your grandmother every day! Would you like a beautiful pie? Pookatori has many friends made from a magic and people balls. Let’s have fun with Pookatori’s friends! Do you like to absorbing? Functional!!
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Mega Hyper Ultrastorm

Player One Up! Ready! Go! Health 100%. Weasel Gun Equipped. This is sort of how I imagined 80s electronic music people tried to copy the distorted guitars of the day, but with 8bit sound sources. It doesn’t sound like guitars at all, but it does sound like people trying to sound like guitars… and that’s a thing now.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Not Christmas-y!

Special Spotlight

So you’re producing an interview segment! Problem is most people suck at being interviewed. Like… almost everyone. What do you do? You could send the non-media professional to an improv class, you could do 5 pre-interview coachings, or you could schedule a 3-day “pre-interview” at an all-inclusive beach resort in hopes that you will “share a moment” and uncover some goddamn humanity in your interview subject.
Or. You could just put some interesting music behind the segment. If your crap interview is longer than this piece Do NOT loop this music – fire your editor.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Too Cool

You know when you watch a vampire movie and then you walk out into the real world, but you’re still sort of in the fictional world because it looked like the real world… and that’s where you are now. I call this Persistence of Fiction, and it feels awesome! Capture some fiction by playing this track while walking to the bus… er the Vampire Bus! or waiting in line at the Vampire DMV or sorting Vampire Direct Mail Ads or doing some Vampire Macrame.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Over the river and through the woods to Nai Nai’s house we go!

Ascending the Vale

We’ve all been there… wandering through an impenetrable forest, half dead with 2 arrows sticking out of your leg. And yet we continue – because it is probably good for the narrative. Then hope! Oh thank the old gods and the new!! An unmapped settlement of woodland inhabitants takes you in and brings you back from the brink of certain death. You don’t even care that it is a scurry of giant squirrels that came to the rescue, or that the healing soup they give you is largely acorn-based, and vomit-inducing.
Pastoral and beautiful. The download comes with a loop for if you never want the feeling to end.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

River of Io

I would like to state, for the record, that this is the worst river cruise I’ve ever taken. The zombie crocodiles were bad enough, but the chase for the stolen artifact statue that was taken by the Ice Monkey Lord was really quite too much. And now I’m missing my left shoe. So why are we up sneaking around UFO landing sites? NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE!!!
You got some clandestine stuff going on? This track will probably work for any sneakiness anywhere.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!


When I do music based on folk traditions, I tend to name them after cities. Like this one: Shenyang. It is a little village of 8 million people that I’ve somehow never heard of. Oh sure, I’ve heard the name, but I don’t associate it with anything specific. Chicago: Hot Dogs. Amsterdam: Offensively tall Dutch. Moscow: “Stop a Douchebag”. Shenyang: No clue. How did I miss this city??
You already know if you need this piece, it has a more satisfying low-end than actual real Chinese music, and it should fit in with your modern productions well.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

New Music in the Public Domain

Got a use for any of these?

You can get them at SoundCloud or at

Future Score

Episode 1: Saturday November 12, 1PM Central


     A Man Upstairs - Spoken Word Audio - 3.5 minutes
     Estimated time: 45 minutes

     Mr. Leg, the legless pigeon - Intro Theme - 8 seconds
     Estimated time: 20 minutes

     Dead in Space - Feature Film - 1.5 minutes
     Estimated time: 2 hours

     Opinion-Ville - Theme Music - 10 seconds
     Estimated time: 20 minutes

     Extra-time Bonus:
          Thumb Wrestling Mockumentary - 7 minutes/multipart
          Estimated time: 7+ hours

The concept

2016: Google Magenta – an AI that creates music – is announced. It isn’t great, but shows promise.

2018: Magenta is paired with advanced humanizing techniques and high-quality synthesis. It starts to sound pretty good.

2021: Several dozen AIs are on the scene, specializing in Pop, Horror, Comedic, and a host of other genres. Most user created content uses these early AIs – as they are cheaper than licensing existing music.

2023: The first major feature film composed entirely by a computer opens.

2024: More music is created by AIs than people.

The year is now 2026. Working composers have pretty much been replaced by AIs that take existing music, analyze media, and crank out endless variations.

For now, I’m doing it the old-fashioned way. Taking the DNA of music samples you choose, I combine them into something new that fits the needs of your project. I imagine this is how things will work in the future – but I’m doing it now! Just a LOT slower.

For Content Creators

Fill out this form to get put in the list of projects to be scored:

You will receive an email prior to the scoring if your project is selected, so you can watch it being scored live on!

For Viewers

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I’ll announce the times and lineups a day ahead of each live-streamed session on Twitter, and will inform you as I go live.