It does have English subtitles for if you’re not Danish. Great little documentary. Great uses of music.
If you need some graph paper... you already know why you're here. incompetech has the best graph paper generators available, and they're all easy to use!
If you need free music for your YouTube videos where you get to keep the ad revenue...
If you need music for your film or video game...
If you need music for your presentation or commercial...
It does have English subtitles for if you’re not Danish. Great little documentary. Great uses of music.
Dancy-trancy, peppy chill.
Good start, but I’m bad at poems.
Take a listen, and if you need more of this one, you can get the uncompressed version with a bunch of tempo and cut variations here for just $5.65.
Bootstrap ( is supposed to be a design framework for mobile users. Turns out, it is a beautiful way to make normal sites! Check out the music section redesign.
Also, support my site. Click around, enjoy, and donate!
You have an iPhone? Of course you do.
You may need a little ringtone I made… keep listening for awesomeness!
Link that only works if you’re on an iPhone
Another link that only works on an iPhone
If you’re not on an iPhone… you probably don’t get the joke… move along. :-)
It is about time for another giant new-age piece.
Interesting new age sort of piece, that meets you halfway in the beginning with a lush, but brittle metallic soundscape. As it progresses – the metals fall away. You’re left with a bed of pure sine waves, and a piano tuned exactly to go along with them (or as close as I could get with control of only 100 cents to a note).
Come with worries, leave with purity. Good for the Swadhisthana chakra as well!
This piece has been untested on Qi.
Email me if you are interested in purchasing the uncompressed version. I can’t get that uploaded today.