Month: April 2006

General Ledger

If the big ledger sheets I have are too complex for your needs, I now have simple general ledgers available! 2 Column ones are for simple Credit / Debit… 3 columns are for… hrmm… I’m not sure – but they

Dvorak Polka

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Bold Major Axes

Graph Paper with Bolded Major Axes Well – not by default, but it is an option now. There’s a checkbox that makes all your Cartesian dreams come true… if you dream of an origin roughly in the center of the

Ghosts, Ghosts, Writers, Christ, Norway, Norway

Atmospheric Video Animation Project The Naked Novelist Podcast (coming May 1) Web Cards Norway TV… thing… And this one is super-cool… not sure if I’m supposed to publish the URL… it is quite a large

Cranky Geeks

Holy Mother of Cranks! I just subscribed to the Cranky Geeks podcast after hearing about it on TWiT. The opening title is ME! Hilarious! This is cool – I was having a bad day up to now. Thanks John C.


Ten new pieces of music. Ten. In a single update. Tis crazy! Orchestral Noble Race Spider’s Web Dawn Hit Piano Overture Village Dawn Awaiting Return March of the Mind Horror Midnight Meeting Dance of Deception Land of Phantoms