Destruction Device: The new album drops!

Wretched Destroyer

Have you ever heard a 4 bassoon ensemble before? Not likely. While bassoonists may create temporary pair-bonds, they are never found in groups of 3 or more. Much digital trickery was involved in this piece to make them appear as though they were all in the same room at the same time. Tuba players, on the other hand exhibit extreme flocking behaviour, and have even been spotted in mass migrations.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!


High-energy, fast-paced, and memorable, this is a great background to your 2D platformer. It was actually written for a 2D platformer, which is why it will loop back on itself so well. Like Ouroboros! If you’re looking for a high school mascot, PLEASE consider Ouroboros. I’m not sure if it would make for great cheerleading routines, or if it would end up looking more like a human centipede…. But there is one way to fine out! Go! Fighting Ouroboroses!!
You can download the full uncompressed files here!

Grim Idol

This piece gets a lot of its crazy from the exposed dissonances. So, before you start going on and on about “wrong” notes; They are there for a reason! I’m almost sure of it. They really sound quite intentional. Why else would I write something like that? Totally done with forethought. Yup. 100% on purpose.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!