Category: Copyright

The Joys of Free Music

One might think is is simple to record music and distribute it for free online, but there are companies that work against people who do this. Recently, I was sent a round-up of a very nicely organized pile of issues.

Let’s Play Video Games

There is a very popular movement in videos right now; People playing video games. Typically, people video capture themselves playing a video game, and then post the game play to YouTube. There are some thing to be aware of if

Copyright Issues Roundup

CDBaby is removing the Hypnotherapy assets from the ContentID Database; so, Yay! Should be completed in about 2 weeks. It appears Music Video Distributors (MVD) claims to own the rights to “Sunshine (Ver 2)”. This is just developing, so I

Getting things straight with Hypnotherapy

I’ve decided to start chronicling a thing that I’ve been spending a lot of time on recently: fighting bad copyright claims concerning my music. Sony, Universal, and at least a dozen other corporations have – at some point – claimed