Category: Music

We Own the Night

Joaquin Phoenix and Clive Owen on the same weekend? Such a terrible decision… I really don’t see why they can’t spread the good movies out a little better. Sigh. Anyway, historical epic was narrowly beaten out by crime drama, and

The Heartbreak Kid

So… yeah. I actually saw this one on the weekend as usual… but I’ve kind of been too stunned to write about it. Usually, I like to do something else for a little while after I leave the theatre, just


For the first section: pieces written for a video game. Vampires! Halls of the Undead Werewolves! Shamanistic Elves! Frozen Star and… for those of you who are always bugging me about the giant battle music… Orcs! Stoneworld Battle Also, a

Emergency Halloween Music

Everyone loves the Bach Toccata and Fugue in D Minor!* It is a semi-seasonal piece, so I rushed it out of the door just in time for your spooky needs. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BWV 565 More music

Where is the Movie Critic Next Door?

Well, not actually next door. The odds are incredibly against it, at least. But I haven’t disappeared, either. Since I dropped the ball last weekend (though it doesn’t look like I missed much), and this weekend also isn’t looking good,

Westerned Out

Oh man… I’ve had quite my fill of Westerns… not to mention a pile of scrap music that doesn’t quite work. I think these will be the last 2 in the genre for a bit. Western Streets – an all