Category: Music

Odd combos

Well… I finished off 30 audio pieces today ranging from 3-second sound design cuts to a 7-minute piece for a musical. I’ll assume you don’t want a sound effect of a talking fish and just post some music. Double Drift

Blood and Chocolate

Here I am, reviewing a movie with blood in the title again. Unlike its predecessor, though, this one really isn’t very bloody. The title is from a line in Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf: “I had the taste of blood and chocolate

Vacation Compositions

I’ve been off on vacation, and was just killing some time at my friend Pete’s place… when I needed to write some music. I just really needed to. Problem One: I had no software with me. No worries – Mac

The Hitcher

Apparently, there was only one movie opening in the infamous wide release this weekend, and I wasn’t lucky enough to get any of the limited release films around here this weekend. (That does sometimes happen, honest.) So that left me

Rockin’ Guitarin’

Not much new lately? Well, not that I’ve been idle – I just finished off the soundtrack for a film that will open in New York in April. But today, I bring thee, two pieces of rock music! Down Home

Children of Men

I should have driven to Chicago. I should have at least called in sick to work yesterday so I could have watched this film that much sooner. Stupid day job. But now I’ve seen it, and I think I can