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Get Started with Music

If you need free music for your YouTube videos where you get to keep the ad revenue...

If you need music for your film or video game...

If you need music for your presentation or commercial...

YouTube Update!

I spoke to a YouTube rep again today to get the status report.
The progress is two-fold. First off – all of the companies that have been claiming my works as theirs were informed that they must actually review the claims if the claim is contested.
That means – you may still receive a notice from YouTube, and you will need to respond with the piece being “misidentified”. They will actually review them now (as opposed to just denying the contest) and release the videos ASAP.
The second part is a little more technical. The content matches are done by computer, and some things have been matching when they should now. YouTube is going to tighten the tolerances on the matches so that fewer pieces get misidentified in the first place.
That being said – if you contest a claim and it is rejected, you still need to email me, as it may be a new problem.
YouTube has been doing a great job of contacting the publishers and telling what is going on – and why they need to change their behavior on things like this. The technical changes might take a week or two to implement – so there may still be a straggling improper match out there.
And that’s the news!

The Last Stand of the Mechanolith

And today, there is a simultaneous release of the soundtrack with the film…
Hero Down
These are really really epic when played loud. Like really epic. They out-epic the epic scores to many epic films.

YouTube Copyright Claims Update

“I met with legal and we’ll be contacting all these content owners today about their claims.”
That’s what I know for now!


I don’t usually swing this way compositionally – but in this case, I’m actively trying to dish out some heebie jeebies. This piece hurts. It is really difficult to listen to… the first dozen times at least.
Lost of non-standard techniques all over the orchestra – most strikingly in the strings and brass.
Ends unsatisfylingly. :-)

Music plus YouTube update

yes, music…
First off, a beautiful drone synth piece: Mirage
And next, continuing on the epic trail of “Five Armies”, a bit of the aftermath: Death of Kings
And a bit of a clarification on what’s going on with the YouTube situation.
Here is the general problem: other publishers are claiming my music as theirs, and causing all sorts of panic by totally well-meaning content creators.
The problems are with very few pieces: Frost Waltz, Shiny Tech, Clenched Teeth, and pieces from Satie and Bach. If you avoid those pieces – you probably won’t ever have any issues.
I’ve sent all of the information that I can to a rep at YouTube. He said that the publishers in question (the ones claiming my original music) are in violation of their contract and will be required to remove the pieces from the Content ID system.
The publishers who are claiming the public domain music I’ve recorded (Satie and Bach) are a little trickier. My guess is that they will be warned to actually CHECK each time a false match is contested.
I will let you know more when I hear more.

Bad-Ass Soundtrack

Okay, you epic-film-score-loving peoples….
Five Armies
This is a recording that I’m quite excited about. I violated a few orchestral scoring rules in it – but it still works quite well.
Production notes:
This uses the new Hollywood Brass samples – but only 8 patches.
Strings are from Hollywood Strings
Orchestral bass drum is from Heavyocity “Evolve”
Winds and other percussion are from “Orchestra Gold”
Assembled in Logic Studio