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Get Started with Music

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I’m going to hell for this…

Out of all the things I’ve done in my life, I think the thing most likely to send me to hell is the composition of “Motivator“.
I think somewhere back in 1992, a CD was produced that changed the world of corporate presentations. It wasn’t great music, or even any good – but it was very popular; and thus was born the “corporate presentation sound”.
I have gotten a lot of requests for this sort of music, and I’ve always said “no”… until now.
Motivator” has a lot of problems… I’ll leave it as an exercise to the listener to find them all – but one thing it does have, is that early 90’s corporate sound.
I can almost hear the voiceover script for this… “Our 2012 line of fans and blowers is unmatched in the Upper Midwest, and you can see the difference they’ll make in your commercial buildings today!”
what have i done… i am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.

Oh, there’s more. Yes, there’s the other corporate musical plague… the corporate light jazz. You guessed it. I recorded that, too. “Airport Lounge“.
This is also suitable for more chill lifestyle-oriented corporate presentations.
Hear that smooth modulation in the middle of the piece? Yup… smoooth…

I didn’t stop. What if you have a lighter fell-good presentation for… chainsaws or something else fun.
Hackbeat“. Enjoy. Or… try to enjoy.
good lord.

Adam Bentley’s (director of Luke’s Kitchen) crowdfunding campaign for his next project, Call of the City (of which I will be writing the score) is down to its final week. His team has raised $3000 so far – the goal is in sight!
You can help out here:

A great leap for interspecies technology.

I think it is well known that Bonobos don’t like to tell time to the exact minute, instead opting to divide the hour into 12 parts. Some humans also share this affinity.
This iPhone / iPod app helps to bridge the gap between humanity and bonobonity. Each species can easily read and understand the clock in their own species-specific way, and still share the experience.
iPhone WordClock

My First iPad App

Though it may be my last, I made my first iPad app this morning.

Its job is just to look cool while hanging on a wall. Also, it tells you what time it is in a mildly easy-to-read font called Monaco. Come to think of it – I think that’s what my terminal is set to.
Just head there with your iPad, then click on the extras button in Safari and “Add to Home Page”!
It’ll download everything it needs to run to your iPad, and you can use the clock forever and ever after that – even if you’re not online.
Cheers, all!

More Bass!

I’ve been recording quite a bit this last week or so… Here’s what I did with the new Bass samples from Trillian.
Faster Does It – A gorgeous BeBop duet.
Covert Affair – Cooler jazz piece with EP and trumpet
Isolated – Really nice electric bass solo
Lesson learned from bebop production: Attitude is more important than notes.

Behold the Harp!

Also in the survey, several people asked for more harp music. This is pretty surprising to me – but I’m glad to write more for harp.
In addition, two people asked for Western music.
So… here’s a Western harp piece: Pale Rider
And for the elven harp contingent… Enchanted Journey
This title surprised me in that none of my other titles or descriptions used the words “Enchanted” or “Journey”. I guess it was time.