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Get Started with Music

If you need free music for your YouTube videos where you get to keep the ad revenue...

If you need music for your film or video game...

If you need music for your presentation or commercial...


This is like… the ultimate in high-class non-offensive music. You can have this going at the hippest highest-class hotel in the world, and it’ll feel at home. You can also put in less-classy places to make them feel classier! Like the opium den you built in your garage, or that tiny closet at your office where lunch-room recyclables go to get sticky and smell bad. I mean seriously… I don’t think they ALL started out sticky.

You can download the full uncompressed version of this piece here.

Hidden Past

Pipes, pipes, and more pipes! Irish? Scottish? Celtic? I have no idea. But sure – could be any of those. Let’s call it “Ancient British Isles”.

You can download the full uncompressed version of this piece here.

Wedding Etude #1 by Brett VanDonsel

It’s wedding season! You’ll probably need some music for your photo slideshows. Here’s a nice piece by Brett VanDonsel. Also on Soundcloud and Payhip.

Lewis and Dekalb

Southern trap influenced rap pile of musical forklift platypus… okay, i don’t know what these words mean. But if you understood them – we’re all good. You know what you’re getting, and… that’s all I can hope for really. Truth in advertising!

You can download the full uncompressed version of this piece here.


Bit of swing in your rap? Sure! Why not! I like swing… but NOT TOO MUCH! Just here and there… you know, to alleviate the monotony. Sort of like that one teacher you had in Social Studies that unexpectedly did something cool – like play a game – but only twice a year… and they were both in the first month, so all you ended up with was 8 months of continual disappointment. Screw you, Mr. Meuller! I still don’t care about checks and balances!

You can download the full uncompressed version of this piece here.

Meatball Parade cover!

This is perfect. From the description: “So Kevin and I learned to play the song Meatball Parade by Kevin Macleod in band class. it drove our band director crazy because we would never stop playing it. As a senior gift to us, he agreed to play Meatball Parade one time with us on the last day of band class. This is now one of the highlights of my high school career.”