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Get Started with Music

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5 New Pieces!

Super Power Cool Dude

This one gets better every time I listen to it…

This piece was built almost entirely with arpeggiators. What does that mean for you? Probably nothing. But holy man! Does this sound like it is from 1983! So, pop a tape of “Flashdance” in your VCR… and then spend like 8 minutes rewinding it… because, apparently your cousin couldn’t be bothered to do that. Seriously, Karen! You did the same thing when I lent you “Smokey and the Bandit II”, and I didn’t say anything because you had a hard week, but still managed to make the Jell-o Salad with the grapes for the family reunion… which was nice. Anyway, I’ll probably just get you one of those $20 tape rewinders they have at Radio Shack for your birthday. I also enrolled you in the Battery of the Month Club. You’re welcome.
Uncompressed Download

District Four

Deep grooving crazy big percussion. Super danceable! High energy, without every getting the way. Useful for tech videos, badass characters, or general listenings! The download comes with all the parts separated out as well as a bonus track at 165 beats per minute (slightly slower and even deeper grooving!).
Uncompressed Download

Secret of Tiki Island

Co-written with Bryan Teoh while he was on vacation (Thanks Bryan!) this is all the mystery and chill groove you need. So come on you cats and swingers, enjoy yourself a Jet Pilot (served in a pineapple of course) and help unravel the Secret of Tiki Island! Can you save yourself and the island from the Volcano!? No. Of course you can’t. It is a freaking VOLCANO. If the pyroclastic flows and lahars don’t kill you, the carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide probably will.

Get the super download here.

Rocket Power

Funky drum machines? Yes, please! Also a killer bass line. This is both big and fun… kind of like the Paul Bunyan Experience… if Paul Bunyan were hip. Unlike most of my tunes, this one has an actual ending! Uncompressed download comes with all the parts to make your own mixes – should this one be insufficient.

Super download here.

Giant Wyrm

Oh! The horror! This is NOT a fun piece. It WILL make you feel like there is something seriously wrong. Did those veins on my forearm always look like that? I mean, they’re doing a weird criss-cross pattern… and they look REALLY blue. I would have noticed that before, surely! I wonder if this has anything to do with the meteor that came down in Mr. Wilson’s pond last night? Uncompressed download comes with 4 stem files in case you don’t need all the creepy, all the time.

Bhavacakra by Brett Van Donsel

A highly polyrhythmic world music infuenced percussion piece. Really gets going around 1:25.
This piece is licensed CC:By 4.0.

Download high quality

You can get a bunch more here:

Deadly Roulette

Jazzy! Gumshoe-y! Mystery-y! I suck at making adjectives. Who needs adjectives anyway! I’m fine without adjectives. How fine without adjectives, you may ask? I can’t say – as that would require some sort of descriptor! And I don’t need descriptors in my writings… Maybe one… tiny little… NO! What am I thinking!? I refuse! I’ve completely had it with adjectives! Hah! Adverbs work perfectly fine! Woohoo! Adverbs! And before I get mail… adjectives killed my family, so I can go off on them all I want.

Download the uncompressed version here!

Basic Implosion

Upbeat, bright, and super catchy! Just try not to rap to this piece! TRY IT! You can’t, can you! I mean… I can, but I’ve been training to not rap my entire life. It started with me not-rapping in my childhood in the upper midwest. My lack-of-rapping hit a new high while on a high school band trip to Disney World, and was again bolstered in a crazy non-rap filled Spring Break in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. There’s just something about not-rapping and industrial forestry…

Buy the super uncompressed pile of wav files here.

And the Soundcloud… for if you like the Soundcloud.

New Patreon Rewards Structure!

It is quite a lot of work keeping up with the Patreon Rewards I had available before, so I’ve restructured!

Go Take a Look!. The $25 level is limited to the first 15 people. When it fills up, you can email me to get in the queue, so that when someone drops off (due to pulling support, failing to have the credit card charged, or through adverse possession) – you’ll be the first to know!

I’m a Conspiracy!!!

Just a correction to the narration, I don’t do Public Domain music on… that’s over on

The other bits about me not existing are pretty dead-on.