So, I’m not sure what this is… but it is pretty crazy. It is kinda creepy, and kind of… [insert adjective here].
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So, I’m not sure what this is… but it is pretty crazy. It is kinda creepy, and kind of… [insert adjective here].
Industrial Cinematic
The Year: Future Year. The planet has been ravaged by desertification… that apparently no one saw coming… Not sure how that happened, I mean Jeez! Anyone ever hear of a little disaster called “The Aral Sea”? That seriously screwed up… like… everything. I guess the dam is supposed to help, but I’m seriously not holding my breath. Oh. Industrial-sounding music.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!
Airship Serenity
This is the first slow 8-bit piece I ever tried. There was some skepticism going in, but holy man! This turned out great! You can use it for your game credits, or more chill parts of your game. Maybe at the Healing Shack, or the Abe Vigoda Memorial Pagoda and Koi Pond. The uncompressed download has a bonus
percussion track.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!
Chill Wave
I was looking for a subject to analogize the depth of my knowledge for the Chill Wave genre of music. Wikipedia was there for me with entire things that I didn’t even know were things; Randle Cotgrave! Yeon Namgeon! Digital Mammographic Imaging! Rebelj, Serbia! In brief… I know nothing about Chill Wave. Hope you enjoy the fruits of ignorance!
This is about as exciting/happy as simple 8-bit exciting/happy music gets.
It’s Swingin’! It’s Singin’! It’s using a whole lotta apostrophes! Sometime’s incorrectly! Anyhoo, take a listen to this one. Ye shan’t be dis’appointed!
Bleep, bloop… bloop, bleep.
You can download the full uncompressed files here!
Remember that time you were lost in the woods and you were visited by the clan of centaurs, and they were super suspicious of you, but decided to take you back to their settlement anyway? It never happened! That was a screen memory! There are no centaurs, and they wouldn’t live in forest settlements! That was an alien abduction. The aliens planted the memory of the forest centaurs so your brain wouldn’t implode with the knowledge of trans-dimensional beings… such as themselves. And… unrelated, but… what comes to mind when you think about the smell of wet cardboard and Sriracha?
You can download the full uncompressed files here!
Gorgeous, rich piano chords run counter to subtle percussions. This piece is a workhouse for video productions. Don’t bother with the preview, just download this thing. Because seriously… planning a cat rescue? This will work. Attending someone else’s family reunion and trying to convince them you’re related? Yes. This will work. Time lapse of a rocket assembly? Obviously. I’m looking at you, ESA!
Crazy energy video game boss-fight type music. This one is really quite taxing. You want some adrenaline? You got some! Go! Fight! Win!
From what I can tell, this piece has no genre… it is an odd mix of a few things, but not enough of any one of them to be considered a member of that group. So, when you find a new critter which is certainly a new species… likely a new genus… probably a new family… and seriously might be a order. It has an exoskeleton, gives birth to live young (asexually somehow?), has a beak… We recognize all those parts, but it doesn’t fit anything. Might be a new phylum.
So, you got an action movie set in India with an awesome badass antihero who just kills people with her mind. Boy, have I got the music for your introductory scene! Serious badassery going down here. This piece is sharp and crisp and just cool.
While not an epic hour-long relaxation juggernaut, Soaring is an excellent relaxation workhorse with just enough mystical qualities to keep it from being truly peaceful. Imagine a calm monkey hanging out at a remote monastery who, from time to time, will touch a tree – causing the tree to age a decade in a matter of seconds. I mean… still pretty calm, but something isn’t right about that.
Super cool interview over at Music Manumit!
Check it out.
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