Month: December 2009

Calmer Sorts

Shores of Avalon Hypnothis Harlequin This post is pending a better description.

Recent Projects

Alchemist’s Tower – Orchestral theme for something both dark and fun. MTA – A rare aggressive mix from me. The search engine for keywords is still a little wonky… be working on fixing that soon!


It’s the newest trend, and you’re reading about it here first! Or maybe second, or twelfth. Or maybe my guess is completely wrong. But the simple fact is, somewhere, right now, someone is editing out the three swear words from

Mystic Carnivale

Here’s a little preview of some music that I’ll be posting soon… but in book trailer form. :-) Here’s the book!

Ambient to Rock

Starting some computer cleanup, and posting what I find starting with… Ambiment – a 23ish minute long ambient sort of piece of music. And my music search engine is on the fritz… so, just look an the top of the