Year: 2016

Not Christmas-y!

Special Spotlight So you’re producing an interview segment! Problem is most people suck at being interviewed. Like… almost everyone. What do you do? You could send the non-media professional to an improv class, you could do 5 pre-interview coachings, or

Over the river and through the woods to Nai Nai’s house we go!

Ascending the Vale We’ve all been there… wandering through an impenetrable forest, half dead with 2 arrows sticking out of your leg. And yet we continue – because it is probably good for the narrative. Then hope! Oh thank the

New Music in the Public Domain

Got a use for any of these? You can get them at SoundCloud or at

Future Score

Episode 1: Saturday November 12, 1PM Central On A Man Upstairs – Spoken Word Audio – 3.5 minutes Estimated time: 45 minutes Mr. Leg, the legless pigeon – Intro Theme – 8 seconds Estimated time: 20 minutes Dead in

4 Time-Saving Tips for Creatives

Caught this video this morning, and I agree with every one of the Tips in the film. TLDW: 1) Fail Faster 2) Embrace Creative Laziness 3) Pick your Battles 4) Let Nothing be Sacred This is the world that I

All happy, all the time!

Fireflies and Stardust Some beautiful rural americana-type music. I mean, just listen to that! It is an 8 piece ensemble, and everyone is playing a lot of notes, yet it remains so simple. Okay, the violins aren’t playing that many