Fresh Musics

Part 1: Nice

Here is a neat little piece from Brett VanDonsel.

To me, it feels like a carnival in the sky. Looking for the floating feeling for your game? Check it out!

You can license a loopable version as well.

Part 2: Horrible

I hate writing horror music. It makes me anxious and unsettled (or I’m doing it wrong). Lucky for me, OTHER people seem to be okay with writing this!

You can get this and lots of stuff over on Alexander’s Patreon page. $1/month for supporting a real musician? That’s less than a cup of fancy coffee PER YEAR. Recommended.

Part 3: Calming

I’ve been having a hell of a time finding good relaxing music. All the YouTube relaxation videos seem to be too involved and melodic. I want something more than ocean waves, but I don’t need full-on songs. I fixed it! I made this for me, but I hope you’ll find it useful as well.

Download River Flute.

This piece will be fully published to everywhere soon.