Category: Sightings

Manchester Mystery

Here’s a nifty new piece from Brett VanDonsel!

Star Warper

So, this the remix of a song about video games used IN a video game. Also, the game rocks! You get to phase out and phase back in to avoid things (and there are a LOT of bad things). Excellent

Another interview with me!? What?

It is for the official Patreon Podcast! Check it out here!

Audio Drama Production Interview!

I recently did an interview over at Audio Drama Production! My part starts at around 22 minutes – sorry about the audio quality.

Headmaster in VR!

Just found out about this little trailer for a Sony VR game. Very cool looking! The piece was “One Eyed Maestro”, Available Here!

Prospector Video

Here’s a preview of this month’s exclusive Patreon track (to be released in a few days)! You can sign up for this at! I did originally write this piece for Altius Space. I’m a big fan. Giant asteroid claw