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Get Started with Music

If you need free music for your YouTube videos where you get to keep the ad revenue...

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Vision of Persistence, Cryptic Sorrow

A couple more piano pieces…

Both of these are very quiet and light.
“Vision of Persistence” is a piece based on a rhythm on a single note.
“Cryptic Sorrow” I put together as a response to a post in an earlier article about filmmakers looking for longer pieces of music for longer scenes, or scoring over multiple scenes.
I really wish I had more to say about these, but I was pretty tired when I recorded them, and I’m pretty tired now. So feel free to make up your own commentary on them.


Recently, my site has been upgraded in the Google rankings. I’m now number 8 for “Royalty free music”. I’ve been getting a super duper big pile of requests recently. I’m trying to keep up with everything, but it is taking some time, and I probably need to change the site to make the FAQs more prominent.
As a general rule, if you really need me to respond to something – KEEP BUGGING ME. It is perfectly acceptable. Also, donating money will get my attention. Seeing how many files are being downloaded, I should ask for money more.
So, please send money. I write music for a living; and I’d like to continue doing that.
– Kevin

Piano Solo and the Creative Process

An interesting impromtu with context!

There’s quite a story, read on for elucidation.

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African Stuffs

Hi everyone. It has been a while. I’m working on a theater project, and I don’t have much time to do new free stuffs. But I did do one today.

For some reason, I got 4 unrelated emails in 4 consecutive days – all about my African compositions. That is very very odd. That brings the one-year total to 6. I took it as a sign, and wrote another piece.

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Falcon Banner, Pasokon, Chew, et al.

Audio Dramas: The Falcon Banner
These are very very cool, check them out. I did episodes 2 and 4, but you’ll want to get 1 and 3 or it won’t make sense.
Audio Adaptation: Pasokon
I believe this in an audio adaptation of a comic; and it is pretty nice! Good voice acting; good story; very good production… It is just plain good! I recommend checking this out – especially if you’re into Anime.
Theatrical Short: Dancing for Peanuts
This is a silent-era period piece shot in HD; The first piece I’ve done in HD… actually the first time I’ve _seen_ HD. It looks lovely! I did a full custom score for it, but I don’t think it is online yet.
Theatrical Featurette: Chew
I’ve seen the rough cut of this. I recommend not reading the plot blurb before seeing the piece, as it is a crazy spoiler. Screening In July in New York.
Geometry Demo: How Round is your Circle
I’m in a multimedia addendum(?) to a soon to be published book from Chris Sangwin (School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham). I’ve not seen the book, but from what I can tell it is a non-technical geometry book.
Website: Uri Planet
I hear I’m somewhere on this site… note sure where. But I likes the Russia.
More to come soon… I’m way behind on my email.

More Silent Film Music

Five new pieces that will help round out your silent period films. Most were made with a small band consisting of Tuba, trombones, trumpets, clarinets, piano, and various percussion things.

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