Category: General


Ok. I made a ringtone. Were this a normal ringtone, I’d hate myself. But this isn’t. It makes other people not want to answer your phone. Also – it isn’t annoying in a theater. Who would suspect? Get it (right-click

New Host

I have a brand new hosting company for my music files, and it seems to be working like a champ! Thanks to all of you for your recommendations. I made charts with the features of each host, and the pricing

Help me out…

I am in the process of finding a new Web Host provider for my audio files. One might think this is an easy process… one would be wrong. I need 5 Gig of storage and 500 Gig of transfer per


Recently, my site has been upgraded in the Google rankings. I’m now number 8 for “Royalty free music”. I’ve been getting a super duper big pile of requests recently. I’m trying to keep up with everything, but it is taking

That doesn’t sound like me…

You know how it is when you record yourself talking, and then play it back – and it no longer sounds like you. Everyone else thinks it sounds like you. But not you… Well, I was doing some voice recording

An Open Apology

To all the people who listened to my music over the last few months and years… I’m sorry everyone. I’m really very very very sorry. You see – I just had no idea. Today I bought some studio monitors, and