Category: Music

Music for a Funeral Home

Do you know where to get that music that they have playing in funeral homes? I sure don’t; and I even tried google. You know the kind of music, right? It is that super non-offensive light organ music that meanders,

Danse Morialta

Danse Morialta – A very nice little piano solo, coming in at about 4 minutes. [poorly rendered] sheet music is available. You can at least get the notes, but you need to fake the interpretation. Feel free to make your


So, here’s a nifty new piece of music. Not sure what it is – but I like it. Simplex Some new dramatic music for those times when there just isn’t enough drama in your life.

Mega-Pile of new music

Today’s offerings are so dissimilar, I make no effort to categorize – just label as I can. Orchestral Hopeful Calm Peaceful Desolation Orchestral Dark Smooth On the Shore Goofy Short Loping Sting Latin/Island Bright Celebratory Beachfront Celebration Garage-band-like rock… music?

Introducing Glory Nugget

Here’s some music from my newest notion, “Glory Nugget”. Glory Nugget is a casual rock band that plays occasional sets at bars and outdoor picnics. It is a 4-piece band; Drums, Bass, Rhythm Gutar, Lead Guitar. The lead guitarists is

Theme for Harold

Theme for Harold in three tempos. The main themes are on the black keys, because it is easier for a rod-arm puppet to play the black keys. Follow Harold here on Google+!