All the graph paper generators on this site now generate graph paper with no information/text line!
The info line is still available on the pregenerated PDFs.
Cleaner and nicer for your graph paper needs!
If you need some graph paper... you already know why you're here. incompetech has the best graph paper generators available, and they're all easy to use!
If you need free music for your YouTube videos where you get to keep the ad revenue...
If you need music for your film or video game...
If you need music for your presentation or commercial...
All the graph paper generators on this site now generate graph paper with no information/text line!
The info line is still available on the pregenerated PDFs.
Cleaner and nicer for your graph paper needs!
A Haunted Western? Yes. A Haunted Western. It sounds exactly like this.
It is “Luigi’s Manor” meets “Red Dead Redemption”.
Man, this one is fun. Nice job Brett!
Download from YouTube, or buy a copy here:
Game developer (and Visine enthusiast) Etienne Andlau contacted me about a game they recently published. You roll an eyeball around a maze and solve puzzles.
I love the pace of this game. I love the look of this game. I love the music in this game.
It is chill and motivating. It is insistent, yet not demanding. It works great!
Learn more about “Eyeroll”. Now available for Android and Windows.
The music used is “Truth in the Stones“.
My friend Brett came out with a spot-on 1960’s-Era Western piece.
According to Brett, “It can be purchased here to use in your game, video, or other project.“.
It is awfully Western-y.