New work in the Public Domain

Piece for Two Fingers.

Download it from Soundcloud. For free. and for Free.


So what is this? It is something simple. A piece of music that you can play with two fingers. Any two fingers. (they do need to be on different arms).

This piece is dedicated to the Public Domain*. Please don’t be a jerk and try to sell this piece to people, or stop other people from using this piece by claiming it is your own. It is not yours. It is everyone’s.

This is actually a pretty versatile piece for scoring. Someone quietly thinking? Bam! Lay this in! Serious discussion about interpersonal relationships? Bam! Winner! Someone lose a puppy? I got your score right here!

*SoundCloud does not have a Public Domain licensing option… I chose the closest one there is.

Made with Native Instruments’ “The Giant” upright piano.